Journal: #lifestyle

#lifestyle tag

There are 20 entries for tag #lifestyle


Two new members join the team !

2022   Andrea   Portrait   2547 vues
Two new members join the team !

A strong wind was blowing and waves were crashing on the French shores. This didn't stop Andrea and Lou-Anne from enjoying the experience, with a bit of shyness at first, but always with a smile on their face ! You may want to remember their face, you will see them a lot from now on :)


Family session with grandchildren and their loving grandparents

2022   Andrea   Family   1752 vues
Family session with grandchildren and their loving grandparents

In grandma and grandpa's garden or swimming pool, the three grandchildren proudly smiled to immortalize their lovely and lively family !


Sunny family photoshoot on the Western coasts of France

2022   Lou-Anne   Family   1485 vues
Sunny family photoshoot on the Western coasts of France

S&C have contacted us for a family photoshoot surrounded by nature the beautiful seaside sceneries France has to offer !


Headshots session at the beach on Noirmoutier Island

2022   Andrea   Portrait   1459 vues
Headshots session at the beach on Noirmoutier Island

S enjoyed a photoshoot session in one of the most beautiful scenery the western coast of France have to offer.


Family session by the seaside

2022   Andrea   Family   1433 vues
Family session by the seaside

Sun and happiness were no doubt the keywords of this photoshoot !



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